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  • Khan Academy: Offers comprehensive video lessons and practice exercises for various subjects, including math, science, humanities, and test preparation. Website: https://www.khanacademy.org
  • Coursera for High School: Provides access to a wide range of online courses from top universities and institutions. High school students can enroll in courses to supplement their learning or explore new subjects. Website: https://www.coursera.org/for/hs
  • Quizlet: A platform for creating and studying flashcards. You can find pre-made flashcards on various topics or create your own sets. It’s useful for memorizing vocabulary, formulas, and other key concepts. Website: https://quizlet.com
  • Wolfram Alpha: A computational knowledge engine that provides answers and solutions to a wide range of topics, including mathematics, science, and more. It can help with complex calculations, graphing, and problem-solving. Website: https://www.wolframalpha.com
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): A resource for improving writing skills, including grammar, citation styles, research papers, and more. It offers comprehensive writing guides and tutorials. Website: https://owl.purdue.edu
  • Crash Course: YouTube channel with engaging video series on various subjects, including history, science, literature, and more. The videos provide concise overviews and explanations of different topics. YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/crashcourse
  • CK-12 Foundation: Offers free online textbooks, videos, and interactive resources covering various subjects. It allows customization of learning materials based on individual needs. Website: https://www.ck12.org
  • National Geographic Education: Provides educational resources, articles, and interactive maps for subjects like geography, environmental science, and social studies. Website: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/education
  • MIT OpenCourseWare: Offers free access to MIT course materials, including lecture notes, exams, and videos. It’s a great resource for exploring advanced topics in science, engineering, and other subjects. Website: https://ocw.mit.edu
  • Smithsonian Learning Lab: Provides access to a vast collection of digital resources, including images, videos, and interactive activities, from the Smithsonian Institution. It covers a wide range of subjects and is suitable for research and exploration. Website: https://learninglab.si.edu