Listing some STEAM challenges that the kids enjoyed a lot, super fun and educational. Good for Applied Design, Skills and Technology.
Lego Bridge Challenge:

Build a bridge with given Lego pieces, and the bridge has to pass over a paper sheet (simulating water) without touching it. Test by how many stones (or weights) could be placed on the bridge before it breaks.
Add conditions according to age, Example: The Bridge needs to be wide enough to drive a toy car, needs a “On” and “Off” way, can stand freely etc.
Paper Roller Coaster Challenge:

Make a Roller Coaster with paper and tape, test how well it works by dropping a plastic marble (or improvise a small ball).
Add conditions according to age, Example: Needs to have loops/ turns/ hills/ surprises.
Wall mounted Marble Run, with tissue paper rolls:

This marble run is done on cardboard instead of wall. Join paper rolls end to end to make a marble run. (Supervise small children for choking hazard).
Add conditions according to age, Example: Needs to change direction, make the marble visible by cutting the rolls in half, etc